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Nature Can Teach Us
May 8, 2024 at 7:00 AM
by Virgil Roberson, L.P., M. Div., NCPsyA, Executive Director
El Capitan on a sunny afternoon

On a 100 mile trek in Spain, famously called the "Camino De Santiago," I walked clear across that country last fall. It rained 9 out of the 10 days, along with large wind gusts and fluctuating temperatures, up and down hills.

Our guide said, "Walking is taking your soul around the body of the world." I sometimes, however, felt I could not keep going, endure this, or literally survive. But then the thought...


Palm trees bend with the wind. You cannot stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf. The moon taught me it’s ok to go through phases. The sun taught me no matter how many times you go down, to keep rising.

Palm trees bend with the wind. The rhythm of our daily light and dark can be a mirror for how to be elastic, allowing internal freedom and then how much better life can be experienced and felt with nimbleness.

I finished the walk and believed that the key was the ability to adjust, accept, and be present with what was, which allowed me free freedom from expectations. The moon taught me it's ok to go through phases. The sun taught me no matter how many times you go down, to keep rising.

Thanks to Nature!

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