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Is Your Insomnia A Cause Of Problems Or An Effect Of Them?
August 15, 2023 at 7:00 AM
by Virgil Roberson, L.P., M. Div., NCPsyA, Executive Director

Insomnia Therapy Defined

Seeing a therapist for insomnia may not be the first thing one thinks of when experiencing the inability to sleep. Many people turn to various physical remedies and aids for relief – but let’s consider the definition of sleep – (The American Heritage Dictionary) – “a natural, periodic condition of rest characterized by unconsciousness and lessened responsiveness to external stimuli.” Without relaxation one can hardly expect to turn off the external stimuli in order to sleep. What unconscious blocks can be sabotaging the ability to sleep, relax and rest?

What Can Improve with Insomnia Treatment

Insomnia or sleep therapy, the treatment of this disability, can provide tools to address the debilitating effects of insomnia. As we know, chronic sleeplessness impacts lives dramatically beyond the fatigue factor – weight gain, depression, mood swings, stress, bipolar disorder, paranoia, pregnancy, anxiety, brain fog, headaches, irritability, focus, tension, even gastrointestinal disturbances. Added to this endless list of complications is the chronic worry about sleeping itself. What thoughts prevent relaxation and contribute to the insomnia? Uncovering and examining these unconscious thoughts is a necessary course to achieve a quieting of the mind and an unraveling of the maze of worries, stress and depression that prevent restful sleep.

Far Reaching Effects of Insomnia

Lack of sleep prevents rejuvenation of all systems of functioning in the body – the immune system, as well as, the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. In turn, each system is intricately and holistically connected with all organ systems and the underlying emotions that interact with these organs and systems. Consequently, insomnia can have far reaching effects on the entire body, psyche and quality of life in general.

Getting help for Insomnia

Therapy for insomnia may be necessary to help process emotions, thoughts and feelings that block one’s peace and potential to relax. When it seems impossible to “turn off” the distractions and thoughts about apparent burdens of life, it also becomes impossible to fall asleep and process each day’s challenges. The stress, worries and anxieties end up building up to the point of overwhelm. Fatigue, exhaustion, and overload ensues. When the mountain of unconscious and unaddressed issues can begin to be too difficult to face alone and insomnia feels impossible to overcome on one’s own, consider the choice to work with a professional therapist. Insomnia therapy can help silence the chaos and clutter in the mind, restore a sense of focus and centering, and regain a sense of well being and peace. As we saw in the definition of sleep – it is natural – and therefore, possible and achievable!

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