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Infidelity Counseling
May 12, 2023 at 7:00 AM
by Virgil Roberson, L.P., M. Div., NCPsyA, Executive Director
Addiction recovery group therapy

When a couple’s world is shaken up and turned upside down by infidelity, the subsequent deluge of emotions may be difficult to circumvent on one’s own.  During these times of immeasurable stress it can be a life saver to contact a therapist to begin infidelity counseling to assist in what can be otherwise a very long road to healing.

Save Your Other Relationships By Considering Infidelity Counseling

Expressing the feelings of betrayal, jealousy, rage, denial, confusion and grief to a non-judgmental professional within the context of infidelity counseling, rather than friends and family, can help to sort and resolve the many issues surrounding the causes and meaning behind acts of infidelity.  There are the cases of repeated infidelity, conflicting feelings about hiding or revealing infidelity, guilt, anger, vengeance, blame.  The difficulty in facing infidelity and all the perceptions of what it can represent – pertaining to relationships, security, attractiveness, neediness, addictions – can become too overwhelming.

Getting lost in the repetitive nightmare of betrayal thoughts, chaos, and the constant fighting that often occurs in the aftermath of incidences of infidelity, tends only to further deepen the already excruciating pain.  For the sake of everyone’s health, the couple involved, their family members and their friends as well, it is wise and comforting to seek the guidance, understanding, empathy, and support of a therapeutic counseling relationship. Within the safety of the client-therapist relationship, couples and individuals can learn to communicate in new and freeing ways that work on building healthy, honest, fulfilling, real and open minded relationships. These are outcomes that are feasible and very possible once the burdens of emotional pain, resentment and betrayal have been looked at, addressed, released and resolved.

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